Jill Maria’s article “Healing: a prayer service for sexual abuse-Ritual Text” Celebrate! Magazine March-April 2007 Vol.48, No. 2 won an HONORABLE MENTION award from the North American and Canadian Catholic Press Association.
2023 Publications
- JS Paluch Bulletin Articles
2022 Publications
- 2022 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Sections on “Prayer and Worship Meetings”
- JS Paluch Bulletin Articles
- Taizé Prayer Adrian Dominicans
2021 Publications
- 2021 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Sections on “Social Justice” and part of “Prayer and Worship Meetings”
- JS Paluch Bulletin Articles
2020 Publications
- 2020 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Sections on “Liturgical Music”
- JS Paluch Bulletin Articles
- PRESENTATION on the Liturgy St. Francis Parish
- PRESENTATION “Understanding YHWH” Adrian Dominican Sisters
- NPM Pastoral Musicians Magazine “Article on Job Transitions”
- Taizé Prayer
2019 Publications
- 2019 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Sections on “Other Ideas” and “Seasonal Blessings”
- Taizé Prayer Sessions
2018 Publications
Bereavement Ministry and Funeral Planning - Book: A Parish Guide for Bereavement Ministry and Funeral Planning Twenty Third Publications
- Article: PASTORAL MUSIC NPM MAGAZINE “Techtip: When It Comes to Sharing the Cloud is Heaven-Sent” November 2018
- Presentation: Meeting the Women in the Old Testament
- 2018 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): General Contributer
- Contributer to Weekly Email prayers NPM
- Article: PASTORAL MUSIC NPM MAGAZINE “Techtip: Anatomy of a Chapter Website” January 2018
2017 Publications
- 2017 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Sections on the “Roman Missal,” “Saints Overview”
- Taizé Prayer
- Presentation: Psalms as Prayer Book of the Bible
- Presentation: Exploring Icons: A Window to the Soul
- Speaker: Lenten Ecumenical Prayer Series
- Article: NPM Pastoral Music Magazine “Technology Tools for Musicians”
- Presentation: Dorothy Day, Liturgy and Social Justice
- Presentation: Staff Retreat “Cup of Kindness” – BeaverDam
- Article: NPM Pastoral Music Magazine: Book Review on a book about Liturgy of the Hours
2016 Publications
- Taizé Prayer
- 2016 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Section on the Book of Blessings
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Regular “Building Your Liturgy” Column Issues 1-6
- PRESENTATION-“Building a Chapter Website” Webinar for National NPM organization
- Speaker: Lenten Ecumenical Prayer Series
- Presentation: Cantor and Choir Workshop Racine
- Contributer to Weekly Email prayers NPM
2015 Publications
PRESENTATION – Sacrament of Baptism-Saint Frances Cabrini Parish “Soup and Sacraments” series
- PRESENTATION-“Women at the Well” Women’s Prayer Group DeKalb, Illinois “The Spirituality of Every Day Life
- BOOK REVIEW NPM Magazine “The Work of Your Hands” by Diana Macalintal
- 2015 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Contributing “And Other Ideas” and other sections
- Guide for Celebrating Worship of the Eucharist Outside the Mass-JT Lane Provided additional pages and background materials
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Regular “Building Your Liturgy” Column Issues 1-6
- PRESENTATION-“Hospitality: The Art of Reverencing” St. Albert’s Parish, Sun Prairie, WI
- PRESENTATION-“Meeting the Mystics” Saint Frances Cabrini Parish, West Bend WI
- Taize’ Prayer Saint Frances Cabrini Parish, West Bend, WI
- PRESENTATION-“Praying Lectio Divina” Saint Frances Cabrini Parish “Soup and Substance” Series
- PRESENTATION “I am the Vine” Speaker- Ecumenical Lenten Prayer Services West Bend, WI
- Contributer to Weekly Email prayers NPM
2014 Publications
- 2014 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Liturgical Music Sections
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Mapping the Course-Column 2014 Issues 1-6
- PRESENTATION on “Church Art and Architecture through the Centuries” Milwaukee Archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress
- PRESENTATION “The Ministry of Ushers and Hospitality” Madison Diocese
- Contributer to Weekly Email prayers NPM
- PRESENTATION “Beyond the Flowers: Art and Environment” St. Monica’s Parish , Whitefish Bay, WI
- PRESENTATION “Exploring The Suffering Servant of Isaiah” Saint Frances Cabrini Parish
Suffering Servant Handouts
2013 Publications
- General Intercessions for a weekly online resource through LTP
- 2013 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Contributing Author for Music, Devotional Prayer, and Liturgical Minister Sections
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Mapping the Course-Column 2013 Issues 1-6
- Presentation – Archdiocese/ALMA event on Art and Environment
- Contributer to Weekly Email prayers NPM
2012 Publications
- General Intercessions for a weekly online resource through LTP
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Mapping the Course-Column 2012 Issues 1-6
- Contributer to Weekly Email prayers NPM
2011 Publications
- 2011 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Contributing Author for Music, and RCIA sections
- Reproducible Bulletin Article(LTP) Understanding Ritual
- Preparing Your Parish for the Revised Roman Missal DVD (LTP) Homilies and Reproducibles for Faith Formation; Contributing Author What is the Roman Missal?
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Mapping the Course-Column 2011 Issues 1-6
- Contributer to Weekly Email prayers NPM
- PRESENTATIONS on the Roman Missal
- PRESENTATION on the O Antiphons
- PRESENTATION Lenten Ecumenical Association “Lent Through the Perspective of Several Saints”
- PRESENTATION to ALMA-NPM “Art and Environment for the Advent and Christmas Season”
- PRESENTATION guest speaker to Parish Lectors
- PRESENTATION on “The Spirituality of Cantoring” to a multiparish gathering
- Healing Prayer Services for Sexual Abuse throughout the Archdiocese
- Participant in Workshop on Restorative Justice Marquette University (4 hours 23 minute into the video features a talk through example of the healing prayer service, and a special version of Psalm 55 that I put together.)
2010 Publications
- Reproducible Bulletin Article(LTP) What is the Roman Missal
- 2010 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Contributing Author for Music Sections
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Mapping the Course-Column 2010 Issues 1-6
2009 Publications
- 2009 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Contributing Author for Art and Environment, and Music sections
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Mapping the Course-Column 2009 Issues 1-6
2008 Publications
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Mapping the Course-Column 2011 Issues 4-6
- CONNECTLiturgy Magazine (LPI) Lead Article : Helping a Family Through Death 2008 Issue Six
- CONNECT Liturgy Magazine (LPI) Lead Article : Zooming in and Zooming Out on the Gospels: What Lens are You Using? 2008 Issue Four
- 2008 SOURCEBOOK Liturgical Almanac (LTP): Contributing Author for Art and Environment
2007 Publications
- “To Screen or Not to Screen AIM ” 2007: Using Media in the Parish Liturgy AIM Liturgy Resources-World Library Publications Fall 2007
- Prayer Worship and Evangelization Newsletter Archdiocese of Milwaukee SummerAugust 2007-Editor
- Prayer Worship and Evangelization Newsletter Archdiocese of Milwaukee Spring March 2007-Editor
- “Healing Prayer Service for Abuse : Ritual Text”Celebrate! Magazine March-April 2007 Vol.48, No. 2 won an HONORABLE MENTION award from the North American and Canadian Catholic Press Association.
- “Healing: a prayer service for sexual abuse-Introduction” Celebrate! Magazine January-February 2007 Vol.48, No. 1
- Liturgical Environment: Reshaping the Lent Space RITE Magazine November/December 2007 Vol. 38 No. 6
- Liturgical Environment: Balancing Liturgical Cultural and Devotional Decor RITE Magazine September/October 2007 Vol. 38 No. 5
- Liturgical Environment: “Honoring the Dead” RITE Magazine July/August 2007 Vol. 38 No. 4
- Liturgical Environment: “Decor for Progressive Solemnities”RITE Magazine May/June 2007 Vol. 38 No. 3
- Liturgical Environment: “Decor and the Baptismal Font” RITE Magazine March/April 2007 Vol. 38 No. 2
- Liturgical Environment: “Creating Environment for Triduum The Challenge of Decor” RITE Magazine January/February 2007 Vol. 38 No. 1
2005 Publications
“An Invocation”-poem National Catholic ReporterApril 29, 2005
2004 Publications
- “A Resurrection Choir: Bringing the Support of the Parish to Funeral Liturgies, Part 2: Music Reviews” RITE Magazine November/December 2004
- “A Resurrection Choir: Bringing the Support of the Parish to Funeral Liturgies, Part 1” RITE Magazine September/October 2004
- “A Liturgist’s Perspective on Parish Weddings” Milwaukee Catholic HeraldAugust 12, 2004
- “Ashes”-poemNational Catholic ReporterMarch 14, 2004
- “Eat, Drink–Contemporary Eucharistic Experiences” RITE Magazine March/April 2004
2003 Publications
- The Benedictine Handbook Liturgical Press July 2003 glossary chapter
- “Come Holy Spirit “ Spirit RITE Magazine July/August 2003
2002 Publications
- “Ashes: to Burn or to Buy” RITE Magazine Feb/March 2002
- “Funeral Music Fundamentals “Ministry and Liturgy October 2002 Volume 29 Number 8
- Book Review “Treasures Among the Store Room: Eucharistic Theology” by Gary Macy American Benedictine Review March 2002
- Book Review “Memoirs: From Grace to Grace” by Jean Lecercq American Benedictine Review
- Book Review “The Glenstal Abbey Prayer Book” American Benedictine Review
- Featured in a story on “Webmonks” in the St. Anthony Messenger Magazine
- Featured in article “Cloistered Lives Opening Out to the Internet” In the Chicago Tribune